Director Sibulowa Introduces the GSB

The Government Service Bus (GSB) has revolutionized access to government services using digital means. The GSB is a national platform for the government of the Republic of Zambia that digitally integrates all government institutions, departments, and agencies.
Deployed by the Electronic Government Division (SMART Zambia Institute), ZamPortal is a website and government platform on the GSB. The Zamportal hosts all digital government services and interacts with the public. Currently, it has 322 services that citizens can access. Since the government implemented ZamPortal, it has made it easier for citizens to seamlessly apply for government services online.
The Support Call Centre is: +260 211 428 600 (Shortcode: 2008)
Mr Beaton Sibulowa has confirmed that ZamPortal has enhanced service delivery, boosted the government’s revenue base with over 3.7 million recorded transactions, and generated 5 billion Kwacha since its inception.
More in the following video clip:

Sergey Chapkey

Sergey Chapkey