ZamServices – Government e-services for people
25 September 2019
The ZamPortal is a platform for public electronic services provided by Zambian authorities. The platform functions as an electronic catalogue for public services provided by the authorities dedicated to citizens, as well as to non-residents and to the business environment. The main purpose of this platform is to offer brief, correct, accessible and complete information on the public services available in Zambia and the possibility to apply on-line for these services.
On the platform, you can find information regarding the services available, as well as how to apply for each of the services. The visitors can find the description of the service concerned, the set of documents required in order to apply for the service, the schedule of the service, the costs and the implementation duration. They can also find contact details for more information and the form that has to be completed in electronic format, including completion guidance.

The platform is structured into service categories for:
- Citizens (services like National ID issuance, Ground rent, Motor Vehicle License, different certificates issuance, fees/taxes payment, etc.)
- Business entities (services destined for entrepreneurship, like new business entity registration, relevant taxes, reports, confirming acts, permissive acts, etc.)
- Non-residents (services like International passport issuance, Work permit issuance, Tourist visa issuance, issuance of temporary permits for a short-term stay, etc.)
Through the public services portal, the citizens can benefit from services on-line in an easy and accessible way. They no longer have to wait in lines for hours, and instead, they can easily access any information they need with a simple click. The main purpose of this platform is to offer to all its visitors an easy way to apply on-line for the services they need and to obtain as a result the permissive acts or the benefits they expected, either by electronic delivery or by means of traditional ways, as paper-based printouts, received at the issuing authority.
Currently, there are 6 on-line services available on the portal, for which one may apply.
1. Concession Fees
This service allows Concession Fees payments for the companies, that have the Concession Agreement concluded with the Ministry of Tourism and Arts (MOTA) of Zambia, and falls under the regulation of Zambia Wildlife Act Nr. 14 of 2015. The person who applies receives an invoice from the MOTA, performs the indicated payment and receives a Governmental Receipt upon successful payment processing. The period of validity is 12 months.
2. Ground rent
This service allows an electronic way of Annual payment for Ground Rent, paid by Citizens or Companies for land resources usage. The Ground Rent is regulated by The Lands Act of 1995. The person who applies receives a bill from the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources and an invoice from the Ground Rent Collector, performs the indicated payments and receives a Governmental Receipt upon successful payment processing. The period of validity is 12 months.
3. Motor Vehicle License
This service allows an electronic way for periodic tax payment for national roads usage, made by citizens on a yearly or quarter-basis. It is regulated by the Road Traffic Act of 2002. In order to apply, the person concerned needs to supply the supporting documents required, like Valid Insurance Certificate and Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate. As a result, the applicant receives a bill, which once paid results in Motor Vehicle License Disk issuance. The period of validity is subject of choice: minimum – 3 months, maximum – 12 months.
4. National ID for Zambia Citizens
This service allows the possibility to apply online for the initial issuance of the National ID for Zambia Citizen. The legal framework is supported by the National Registration Act, Chapter 126. In order to apply, the person concerned needs to supply the supporting documents required, like Photocopies of mother’s and father’s national IDs (if the deponent is not a parent), a photo of the biologically related deponent and the Applicant’s birth certificate. As a result, the applicant receives the National ID, which is issued free of charge. The period of validity: it is recommended to update the National ID once in 5 years.
5. National ID for Commonwealth Citizens
This service allows the possibility to apply online for a National ID, issued for Commonwealth Citizens that are residents of Zambia. The legal framework is supported by the National Registration Act, Chapter 126. In order to apply, the person concerned needs to submit the application for National ID issuance along with supporting documents (Valid temporary immigration permit and Valid international passport), which altogether are verified by an Assistant Registration Officer. He also verifies the applicant’s eligibility, then the case folder is sent to a Registrar. The Registrar interviews the Applicant, and Applicant’s Representatives. After clearance, the Applicant is directed to the Assistant Registration Officer. The Assistant Registration Officer transcribes the information from the application into records book. The Applicant signs in the records book and on the special card – the National ID template, then goes to Typist where actual National ID is printed. The national ID is issued to the Applicant by the Assistant Registration Officer. The period of validity expires when the person leaves the country.
6. National ID for Aliens
This service allows the possibility to apply online for a National ID and is intended for foreign citizens that have a residency permit in Zambia and that stay on the territory of Zambia for more than 3 months. The legal framework and the issuing process are the same as described for National ID for Commonwealth Citizens. The period of validity is: till that time while the person’s residence address in Zambia is not changed.